Current Graduate Students
- Henry Raab - PhD student Coastal Resources Management (Fish ciguatoxin foodweb modeling and human health)
- Tyler Peacock - PhD student Coastal Resources Management Southern flounder, SAV and wave glider)
Former Graduate Students
- Lyndell Bade - M.S. Biology. Use of genetic techniques to identify the diet of cownose rays, Rhinoptera bonasus, in North Carolina and Virginia: an analysis of shellfish prey items. May, 2013.
- Deirdre B. Barry – M.S. Biology. Using visual censuses to estimate biomass of marine fishes for an Ecopath model of coral reef, seagrass and mangrove habitats surrounding Calabash Caye, Belize. July, 2006.
- Gary S. Burr. M.S. Biology. Cellulose metabolisms by the intestinal microbiota of the pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides. June 1999.
- David D. Chagaris - M.S. Biology. Diet Analysis of selected fishes in a Belizian Coral Reef Ecosystem and development of an Ecopath food web model. May, 2006.
- Rebecca Deehr - PhD, Coastal Resources Management. The Use of Ecopath Food Web Networks to Identify Indirect Effects of Shrimp Trawling in Core Sound, North Carolina, USA. July, 2012.
- David R. Gloeckner. M. S. Biology. Tri-Level trophic Interactions in a North Carolina Seagrass Bed. May, 2003.
- Kevin J. Hart – M.S. Biology. Comparison of Abundance and Diets of Selected Fishes in Trawling and Non-Trawling Zones in Core Sound, NC, USA. June, 2008.
- Cecilia S. Krahforst - M.S. Biology. Can passive acoustics be used to estimate the length of Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) within the Pamlico Estuary? June, 2010.
- Cecilia S. Krahforst – PhD, Coastal Resources Management. Impact of Vessel Noise on Oyster Toadfish (Opsanus tau) Behavior and Implications for Underwater Noise Management. May, 2017.
- Greg F. R. Meyer - PhD, Coastal Resources Management. Effects of Land Use Change on Juvenile Fishes, Blue Crab, and Brown Shrimp Abundance in the Estuarine Nursery Habitats of North Carolina. December, 2011.
- R. Christopher Pullinger. M. S. Biology. Acoustic characterization of soniferous fishes in the family Sciaenidae of North Carolina Estuaries. July, 2001
- Jason Rueter. M. S. Biology. A Multivariate Approach to Establish Habitat Classifications in a Coral Reef Ecosystem Using Landsat 7 Imagery at Turneffe Atoll, Belize, Central America. April, 2004.
- Christine Voss. M.S. Biology. Effects of various thicknesses of thin-layer dredged material applied to a Juncus roemerianus- dominated brackish marsh. December, 2005.
- Garcy P. Ward. M.S. Biology. The effects of selective predation on fish community structure in seagrass meadows in Apalachee Bay, Florida. July 1998.